Minggu, 29 April 2012

lyrick better man -robbie williams

Send someone to love me
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain

Give me endless summer
Lord I fear the cold
Feel I’m getting old
Before my time

As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I’m doing all I can
To be a better man

Go easy on my conscience
’cause it’s not my fault
I know I’ve been taught
To take the blame

Rest assured my angels
Will catch my tears
Walk me out of here
I’m in pain

As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I’m doing all I can
To be a better man

Once you’ve found that lover
You’re homeward bound
Love is all around
Love is all around

I know some have fallen
On stony ground
But love is all around

Send someone to love me
I need to rest in arms
Keep me safe from harm
In pouring rain

Give me endless summer
Lord I fear the cold
Feel I’m getting old
Before my time

As my soul heals the shame
I will grow through this pain
Lord I’m doin’ all I can To be a better man

Kamis, 26 April 2012

ingin membuat orang tua bahagia

ingin mencari jati diri sendiri dengan melakukan hal yang positife selagi gw masih bisa berasakan hal tersebut sebelum terlambat di panggil oleh yang maha kuasa.
tapi pda saat ini gw masih belum bisa mencari jati diri sendiri . karna gw masih belum bisa melakukan hal yang berguna .
gw ingin sekali berbeda dengan yang lainnya . gw ingin melakukan hal yang menarik dan dapat di terima oleh orang2 . karna cita-cita gw ingin menjadi pengusaha yang sukses dan bisa di saksikan oleh banyak orang .

sama seperti yang lain . gw juga ingin menjadi orang yang berguna untuk nusa dan bangsa . namun tidak segampang yang di ucapka . untuk menjadi anak bangsa yang baik kita harus berusaha sekuat mungkin untuk mendapatkan hasil yang baik dan memuasakan . dengan ini gw ingin membahagiakan kedua orang tua gw . karna jika tak ada orang tua gw gw gx akan hidup di dunia ini .
rasanya gw ingin sekali menagis jika melihat kedua orang tua sedang bekerja dari pagi sanpai malam . melihatnya kasihan ,capek  . orang tua sangat semangat untuk menghidupkan keluarganya . tapi gw ?? gw udah melakukan apa unutk kedua orang tua gw bangga ke gw ??
yang ada kedua orang tua gw kesel oleh tingkah gw yang masih keanank-anakan . yang masih minta2 yang masih suka malez belajar .

mulai saat ini gw akan membuat kedua orang tua gw bangga kw gw dengan apa pun caranya . gw akan belajar.belajar.belajar unutk mendapatkan rangkin 1 di kelas dan klo bisa rangking 1 di sekolah . supaya orang tua bangga ke gw . muskipun saat ini gw sudah mendapatkan rangkin 3 di kelas . tapi gw masih belum puas dengan rangkin tersebut . gw masih ingin mendapatkan rangkin 1  di kelas dan mengalahkan semua teman-teman di kelas . supaya orang tua gw bangga ke gw :) AMIN. :)

curhatan by:M.isnan.hadi (rajawali)

Rabu, 25 April 2012

hidup sehat tanpa narkoba

banyak sekali godaan2 yang terjadi pada kehidupan manusia . contohnya yaitu godaan yang akan menjurumuskan kita ke jalan yang salah . banyak pula yang mengajak untuk melakukan hal2 yang tidak wajar di lakukan oleh manusia sendiri .
dan jika kehidupan kita tak mau di nodai oleh hal2 tersebut , maka kita wajib untuk menghindarinya .
. contohnya ROKOK . . jika di ketahui rokok itu dapat menimbulkan serangan jantung pada jangka waktu yang lama . mungkin pada saat masih muda belum merasakan hal tersbut . namun jika nanti sudah tua baru akan merasakan sakit karna pada waktu muda di berhura2 untuk merokok .
jika sudah menyesal sudah tidak ada kesempatan ke2 untuk hidup .
jadi supaya kita tidak terhindar dari hal tersebut banyak sekali tahap2nya ,
jika kita di tawari sesuatu oleh orang yang belum kita kenal , maka hendaknya kita menolak karna kita tidak tau apa yang diberikanya . bisa saja semacam permen tetapi isinya NARKOBA .
mending supaya generasi muda saat ini harus mencegahnya dengan melakukan olah raga . dan selalu berdoa kepada ALLAH.S.W.T dan selalu meminta perlindunganya .

#semoga hal tersebut dapat mencegah generasi muda sekarang untuk hidup sehat tanpa NARKOBA

by: isnan_rajawali.blogspot.com

Minggu, 22 April 2012

lyrik lagu sweet child o'mine by guns N roses

She’s got smile that is seems to me… Reminds me of childhood memories…where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky…
Now and then when i see her face…she takes me away from that special place…and if i stay too long…i’d probably break down and cry…
Sweet child o’ mine… Sweet love o’ mine…
She’s got eyes of the blues skies and if they thought of rain…i hate to looking to those eyes and see an ounce of pain…her hair remains me of a warm safe place…where as a child i’d hide…and pray for the thunder and the rain…to quietly pass me by…
Sweet child o’ mine…sweet love o’ mine…
Where do we go?
Where do we go now?where do we go?o…where do we go?o …where do we go now?where do we go., Sweet child…
Where do we go now…
Ay…y…y,where do we go now?where do we go?where do we go now…
Sweet child,sweet child….o’ mine…

7 cara menghilangkan rasa sakit hati . karna di putuskan oleh pacar

1. Buka hatimu untuk mengasihi
Cara ini bisa menjadi yang paling sulit, dalam rangka untuk menemukan cinta, kita harus membuka hati sepenuhnya untuk mencintai dan dicintai. Dengan ini berarti bahwa kamu harus menerima kenyataan bahwa untuk menemukan cinta,mungkin kamu akan terluka sepanjang jalan atau harus bekerja lebih keras lagi. Cobalah untuk bersenang-senang dengan teman dan keluarga, dan jika kamu melihat seseorang yang kamu sukai cobalah untuk mendekati mereka.

2. Ambil yang terbaik dari yang buruk
Kamu harus sadari bahwa kadang hal yang baik itu sering datang bersamaan dengan yang buruk. Ya beberapa hubungan memiliki hal-hal yang lebih baik dan yang lainnya lebih buruk, kamu perlu berusaha untuk menyesuaikan diri sebelum menemukan cinta yang baru. Siapa tahu aja kamu berubah pikiran setelah melihat orang yang special menurut kamu.

3. Walau berat, tetap maju trus 
Jika kamu baru saja keluar dari sebuah situasi hubungan yang buruk, kamu perlu belajar bagaimana untuk melanjutkannya, tanpa menerapkan semua yang sudah terjadi pada hubungan yang lalu untuk yang akan datang. Hal ini penting untuk mengetahui bahwa tidak semua orang adalah sama dan tidak semua orang akan memperlakukan kamu sama persis.

4. Lakukan apa yang ingin kamu lakukan
Pada akhirnya nanti hanya kamu yang tahu apa yang kamu butuhkan dalam hidup ini, kamu tahu apa yang membuat kamu bahagia dan apa yang tidak oleh karena itu kamu perlu melakukan apa yang terbaik bagi dirimu sendiri. Tentu saja ketika kamu menemukan cinta yang baru, kamu ingin menyenangkan orang lain tapi kamu harus selalu menempatkan dirimu yang utama.

5. Luangkan waktu dengan teman dan keluarga
Biasanya hanya sedikit waktu yang berkualitas untuk dihabiskan bersama dengan keluarga dekat dan teman-teman. Menurut saya ini merupakan cara terbaik untuk benar-benar membiarkan hubungan yang buruk itu berlalu dengan baik. Ingat bahwa setiap calon pasangan tertarik dengan orang yang menyenangkan, selalu gembira.

6. Cobalah untuk tidak menghabiskan seluruh waktu kamu untuk memburu cinta yang baru
Mereka yang menghabiskan waktu mereka mencari cinta baru sering tidak menemukannya sampai mereka menerima bahwa ada banyak hal dalam hidup. Ya memiliki pasangan adalah bagian penting dari kehidupan, tetapi jangan terlalu larut dalam masalah itu, cobalah untuk berinovasi dengan cara2 yang efektif.

7. Tertawa dan tersenyum
Pastikanlah bahwa kamu selalu tertawa dan banyak tersenyum sepanjang hari, entah di tempat kerja atau mengemudi mobil atau berbicara dengan teman-teman. Banyak ahli mengatakan bahwa tertawa dan tersenyum cenderung membuat penampilan kita terlihat lebih menarik bagi calon pasangan potensial.

book of woman in black

The Woman in Black is a 2012 thriller-horror film directed by James Watkins and written by Jane Goldman, and is based on Susan Hill's novel of the same name. It is produced by Hammer Film Productions. The film stars Daniel Radcliffe, Ciarán Hinds, Janet McTeer, Sophie Stuckey, and Liz White. It was released in the United States and Canada on 3 February 2012 to generally positive reviews, and was released in the United Kingdom on 10 February 2012.
and the Edwardian era, young solicitor Arthur Kipps (Daniel Radcliffe) lives with his four-year-old son, Joseph (Misha Handley) and his son's nanny (Jessica Raine). Kipps's wife Stella (Sophie Stuckey) has died after childbirth. Kipps keeps having visions of her and is facing financial problems along with stress from the law firm he works at. He is assigned to handle the estate of Alice Drablow, who owned an English manor known as the Eel Marsh House, where she had lived with her husband, son Nathaniel, and sister Jennet Humfrye (Liz White). Although the locals are unwelcoming, Kipps befriends Sam Daily (Ciarán Hinds), a wealthy landowner, and his wife Elizabeth (Janet McTeer).
At Eel Marsh House, located on an island in the marshes, Kipps repeatedly hears footsteps and sees a woman dressed in black. He reports the sighting at the local police station, but, while there, two boys bring their sister Victoria (Alexia Osborne), who has drunk lye. She dies in Kipps's arms. Victoria is not the first child in town to commit suicide, and the townspeople believe the "Woman in Black" comes for their children as revenge for her own child being taken from her, and believe that when someone sees her, a child nearby the person who saw her, is killed, which could be why children have been dying since Kipps' arrival at Eel Marsh House as Kipps saw her there.
Kipps and Sam arrive at the house of Jerome, the local solicitor. The house is empty, and they hear a noise from the cellar. Kipps peers through a hole in the cellar door and is startled when the face of a young girl, Lucy Jerome (Aoife Doherty) suddenly appears and screams at him to go away, believing he was responsible for Victoria's death. After returning to Sam's house for dinner, Kipps discovers that Sam and Elizabeth's son, Nicholas (Sidney Johnston), drowned while playing at the beach and that Nicholas communicates through possession; Elizabeth, in a possessed state, then draws a hanging woman who Kipps realizes is Jennet. Later at the Marsh, Kipps discovers notes claiming that Jennet was mentally unstable and was not allowed to care for Nathaniel, who was actually Jennet's son, although this fact was hidden by Alice, Jennet's sister, who raised Nathaniel as her own son. He also finds out that Jennet hung herself due to Nathaniel's death, long ago.
The villagers desperately want Kipps to leave, but he refuses, wanting to protect his job. Throughout the night at the Marsh, Kipps has many paranormal experiences with the Woman in Black and all the children that committed suicide, as they all appear outside the house in the state they were in when they died. The next morning, Sam and Kipps return to town to see the local solicitor, but Jerome's house is on fire. Kipps rushes inside to rescue Lucy, Jerome's daughter, who has been locked in the cellar. There, he sees the Woman manipulate the girl into setting herself on fire. Lucy smashes a lantern at her feet, getting engulfed in flames. Kipps visits Mrs. Daily, who reveals in a trance that Joseph is the next victim. Kipps realizes that he must put Nathaniel to rest by giving him a proper burial. Kipps and Sam go to the Marsh. Kipps dives into the marsh and finds Nathaniel's body. They then take his body and lay him out in the nursery in the house, expecting the woman to appear and reunite with her lost son. The Woman appears and knocks Kipps to the floor and disappears. Then, Sam and Kipps finally lay Nathaniel to rest by burying him with his real mother, Jennet. After Kipps and Sam leave, the camera moves quickly through the hallway of the Marsh House, and the voice of the Woman in Black can be heard saying "I'll never forgive!... I'll never forgive!..."
Kipps is reunited with his son, Joseph, who is with his nanny, exiting their train at the railway station and plans to leave immediately. While the nanny is occupied with getting tickets to the train to London and Kipps is bidding Sam goodbye, Kipps turns to Joseph, walking along the tracks towards a fast approaching train. Sam and Kipps notice the Woman along the platform as Kipps jumps onto the tracks to save Joseph. As the train passes, Sam looks through the windows to see the unrested souls of all the children whom the Woman has claimed.
Still standing on the tracks with Joseph, Kipps looks up to see the now deserted platform. Joseph asks, "Daddy, who is that lady?" to which Kipps replies with a smile, "That's your Mummy." Realizing he and his son have died, he kisses his son and walks to his wife behind them, carrying Joseph and takes her hand. The three of them, reunited in death, 'go on' together, leaving the Woman in Black, in her grief, forever after.

Sabtu, 21 April 2012

koleksi tulisan gravity .

                                  *gravity terbaru yang di buat oleh M.isnan.hadi ' Rajawali ' 

Foto: Creatif of Isnan

#tulisan ini di buat oleh M.isnan.hadi . masih banyak tulisan lagi . yang lebih bagus lagi 
kreasi tangan sendiri lho . 

lyrick lagu avril lavigne_happy ending

let's talk this over
it's not like we're dead
was it something i did
was it something you said

don't leave me hangin
in a city so dead
held up so high
on such a breakable thread

you were all the things i thought i knew
and i thought we could be

you were everything, everything
that i wanted
we were meant to be, supposed to be
but we lost it
all of our memories so close to me
just fade away
all this time you were pretending
so much for my happy ending
oh oh
so much for my happy ending

you've got your dumb friends
i know what they say
they tell you i'm difficult
but so are they
but they don't know me
do they even know you
all the things you hide from me
all the shit that you do
(all the shit that you do)
you were all the things i thought i knew
and i thought we could be

you were everything, everything
that i wanted
we were meant to be, supposed to be
but we lost it
all of our memories so close to me
just fade away
all this time you were pretending
so much for my happy ending

lyrick lagu "price tag"by jessi.J

Seems like everybody’s got a price
I wonder how they sleep at night
When the sale comes first and the truth comes second
Just stop for a minute and smile

Why is everybody so serious?
Acting so damn mysterious
You got your shades on your eyes and your heels so high
That you can’t even have a good time

Everybody look to their left
Everybody look to their right
Can you feel that? Yeah
We’ll pay them with love tonight

It’s not about the money, money, money
We don’t need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag

Ain’t about the cha-ching, cha-ching
Ain’t about the ba-bling, ba-bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag

We need to take it back in time
When music made us all unite
And it wasn’t low blows and video hoes
Am I the only one gettin’ tired?

Why is everybody so obsessed?
Money can’t buy us happiness
Can we all slow down and enjoy right now
Guarantee we’ll be feelin’ alright

Everybody look to their left
Everybody look to their right
Can you feel that? Yeah
We’ll pay them with love tonight

It’s not about the money, money, money
We don’t need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag

Ain’t about the cha-ching, cha-ching
Ain’t about the ba-bling, ba-bling
Wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag

Jumat, 20 April 2012

puisi cinta

lima kata yang membuatku gila
buat hati ini berdarah
buat hati ini hancur
kenapa harus ada cinta?
kenapa cinta begitu menyakitkan?
membuat ku lumpuh
tak lagi akan bernyawa tanpanya
terpuruk meski ku ingin terbang
ku mohon
berikanlah cinta
atau buang cinta itu dari jiwaku
biar ku mati dalan kebencian
tak berdasar
dan selamnya
Dan jangan Engkau dekatkanku dengan sebuah kerumitan..
Kerumitan rasa sakit hati


Kamis, 19 April 2012

biografi avril lavigne

Avril Lavigne was born in Belleville, Ontario, Canada on September 27, 1984. At 16, she moved to Manhattan and began work on her debut album. She dropped out of high school after the 11th grade when she secured a record deal. When Avril was almost 18, she released "Complicated" from her debut album titled: "Let Go," which went 6x platinum. As a petite skater girl from a small town, Avril has shown she is independent, full of confidence and determination, providing a good combination to make "Complicated" and Avril a musical breakthrough. "Complicated" went to number #1 on Billboards Top 100 while also earning her 5 Grammy nominations, MTV music awards, MTV music awards and many mOne of her songs, "Losing Grip", is about an ex-boyfriend. Won the 'New Artist in a Video' award for her song 'Complicated' at the 2002 VMA. Parents are Judy & John Lavigne, French-Canadians. Her first video, "Complicated", cost over $1 million. Her younger sister, Michelle Lavigne, appeared in her "SK8R BOI" video. She has a younger sister, Michelle Lavigne, and an older brother, Matthew E. Levine. Was orginally pursuing a career in country and folk music, but transitioned into "punk-rock" because of its more lucrative possbilities. Received 5 Grammy nominations, including 1 for best new artist (2003). Debut album 'Let Go' is 6x platinum. Dropped out of high school after the 11th grade when she secured a record deal. Won 3 MTV Asia Awards for favorite female artist, favorite breakthrough artist & style (2003). Has been nominated for 6 Juno Awards (2003). Her CD, "Let Go", was the third best selling album of 2002. Won four Juno Awards: Single of the Year ("Complicated"), Album of the Year ("Let Go"), New Artist of the Year and Pop Album of the Year. Announced that her song 'Sk8er Boi' will be turned into a movie. Her second album is titled "Under My Skin," which has gone 2x platinum. Has a pizza named after her at a restaurant in her home town, Napanee, Ontario. 381,000 copies were sold of her second album "Under My Skin", making it her 2nd #1 album. According to Nielsen SoundScan, it ended the #1 spot eight- week reign of Usher's "Confessions" album. "Under My Skin" album is also #1 in the UK. Favorite pizza topping is olives. The song "Slipped Away" on her second album is about the death of her grandfather. Wrote the song "Breakaway" which was sung by Kelly Clarkson. Is the second child out of three in her family. Is good friends with Pink,Vanessa Carlton, and Fefe Dobson. Nominated for 3 Grammys: Song Of The Year ("I'm With You"), Best Female Pop Vocal Performance ("I'm With You") & Best Female Rock Vocal Performance ("Losing Grip") (2004). Avril taught herself the guitar at the age of 12. Won Favorite Female Singer at the 18th Annual Kid's Choice Awards [April 2005]. 2005: Won 3 Juno Awards; Fan Choice Award, Artist of the Year, and Pop Album of the Year ("Under My Skin"). Voted #1 in Teen People's Top Hottest 21 Under 21 List [April 30th - May 1st 2005]. She was kind enough to donate many items to Rocky Stone to be given to less fortunate kids as part of the Toy Mountain Campaign 2004. Decided to perform in Dublin, Ireland the same day her grandfather died. After receiving the news, she knew he would have wanted her to continue on. Although all but breaking down on stage, she continued to perform in his memory. Became engaged to Deryck Whibley on June 25, 2005. Writes all of her own songs about her own personal experiences. Named #36 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 Women of 2005 list. Married Sum 41 lead singer Deryck Whibley on July 15th 2006 in an outdoor, non-denominational ceremony at a private estate in Montecito, California. She wore a Vera Wang gown and held a bouquet of white roses. Their first dance was "Iris" by The Goo Goo Dolls. The menu plate on her wedding reception read "Avril Whibley", implying that she has assumed husband Deryck Whibley's last name in her private life. Favorite actor is Tobey Maguire and favorite actress is Sandra Bullock. Owns over a 100 pairs of Converse sneakers. Ranked #15 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 Women of 2007 list. Ranked #24 on the Maxim magazine Hot 100 Women of 2008 list. Spilt from Deryck Whibley in September 2009 and filed for divorce citing "irreconcilable differences" in October 2009. Voted #34 on the 2011 Maxim list "Hot 100 Women". Ranked #74 in the 2011 FHM list of "100 Sexiest Women in the World". Avril and her boyfriend, Brody Jenner, were involved in a bloody brawl outside the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel on November 6, 2011. Personal Quotes I liked being a minor because you can't get into trouble. Now I just have to try and behave myself. I might look like a tough chick - and I am - but I'm also a hopeless romantic inside. Why should I care what other people think of me? I am who I am. And who I wanna be. I'd like to be a little more hard-rocking on my next album. But I hate the whole label thing. People ask me if I regret wasting my last teen years on becoming a singer. You know something? I don't. Because singing is my life. When and if you want something so badly you'll see. I mean, I'm just so blessed to be doing what I love to do and to have been given this opportunity. I thank God because there are so many more talented people out there that will never even come close to getting a record deal. To understand me, you have to meet me and be around me. And then only if I'm in a good mood - don't meet me in a bad mood. My mom wouldn't let me sing 'Strawberry Wine' because it had 'wine' in it. When I was 2 my mom said she knew I was going to be a singer. I've been performing ever since I was a young kid. So I've known I wanted to do this for awhile. I always knew in my heart that I'd be singing. I'm just coming out and I'm going to clearly be myself - I write what I feel, I never worry what others think. I can write a song a day. My dream was always to hop up on stage in front of my fans every night and perform. "Actually, I know for a fact there are some young female artists who don't even sing on their own records and who don't sing live. And that is pathetic." (about lipsynching)ore.

story telling"malin kundang"

Good morning everybody, the honorable of adjudicator and the member of thishouse.For the first time, let me introduce myself. OK my name is Rohimah Dewi RindaPermata. I·m from SMA Negeri 1 Samarinda. I want to tell you about the story of Malin Kundang.Here is the story,A long time ago, there was a widow with her only son. They lived in a hut, in a villagenear the sea. They were very poor.Malin Kundang is the son·s name, thought, ´if i stay here, i won·t have a better life.I have to leave this village and look for a job.µHis mother was sad to hear that. But she knew that Malin Kundang was right. Soshe let him go.After her son had left, she went to the beach every day and prayed for her sonsafety. She hoped her son would return soon.One morning, a beautiful big ship came. There were Malin Kundang and his wife.Malin Kundang·s mother cried joyfully. ´oh Malin Kundang my son! You are home! she hugged his son.Malin kundang did not believe her. He said, ´She can·t be my mother! She was astrong woman when i left her.µBut his wife said angrily, ´Why didn·t you tell me that your mother is poor and old?µthen she spitted on the old woman.The old woman cried. She could not believe what she heard. ´Malin i·m your mother.µ But Malin Kundang did not listen. He was embrassed to have an oldmother. So he kick the old woman and yelled at her, ´Go away ugly woman. Mymother does not look like you at all.µThe old woman fell on the ground. She cried. Then she prayed, ´My dear God, if he is really my son, so, punish him.µAfter she prayed, there was a thunder, it crashed the shore and destroyedeverything. The villagers saw rocks that looked like a man. People believed thatwas, Malin Kundang he changed into coral reef. God had punished him.OK. I think that·s all. Thank you for your attention.